Learning Spanish - Free Numbers Activities for children

Did you know the sooner you start exposing your children to foreign languages the better opportunities they have to master them? Here we created some Learn Spanish free activities for you to enjoy with your baby from 2 months to children 11 yrs old.
BEBITOS (Babies from 2 months to non-walkers), there are a number of activities you can do with young babies to gentle introduce Spanish such as: rhymes, songs, routines, baby massage and baby yoga. Here is one of the songs we learn at our BEBITOS classes where you and you baby can have a lovely time to bond and connect in your language or your second language. Join our next classes for children under 4 yrs, more info here
Estos son los números is a fun sweet song you can introduce to your baby's sleeping routine after bath with a gentle massage while learning the numbers, You can download the lyrics of the songs below.
The pdf file also lets you go to the video if you want to have it all in one place. We hope you like it! Download here
CHIQUITITOS (Babies from 6 months to children 4 yrs old) , at this age children are moving around exploring the world around them, they start developing coordination and motor skills, listening, communicating, socialising, making sounds and talking, there so many Spanish activities they can now do and it is important to provide wide variety of activities for them to learn such as: dancing, singing, messy play, flash cards games, story-time. Find below some activities and videos that will help you introduce or review LOS NÚMEROS
LOS NÚMEROS Activity book, you can download it below, this activity book has activities for children from 2 yrs to 11 yrs old, enjoy! to find out more about our Spanish classes for children of all ages please click here
Numbers in Spanish Booklet Download here
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